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Extending Leave to Leave

Only for queries regarding Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). Please use the EU Settlement Scheme forum for queries about settled status under Appendix EU

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Extending Leave to Leave

Post by fbmama » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:28 pm

Hello all I am new to this forum and hope you can help. I came to the UK as a postgraduate 2000-2003, and worked right till 2010 when we had our first child, returning to work part-time before I had my second in November 2011. My husband has exactly the same history, qualifications and salary, except he didn't take maternity leave and he continued working full-time.

We both applied for ILR on 5 years work permit before my second child was born, and my husband's ILR was approved along with my older child being his dependant, but mine was rejected on basis on not informing the relevant authorities about changing my hours whilst on maternity and returning part-time. (At least this is what I understood- please correct me if I'm wrong). My younger child was born a few months after my husband received his ILR and he is British by nationality.

I was granted a discretionary leave to remain after my ILR application was rejected. It expires at the end of this June. How should I extend my stay? We are happily married, my older child has started at the local state school, and we have no other family in this country. Can I apply for ILR now? Should I have applied for ILR under 10 years continuous in UK as opposed to the 5 years work permit? I qualified for both but at that point I felt that my work history makes me a more attractive candidate - but I was wrong. My online research points me to FLR(O) but it costs nearly £700. We are on my husband's single income, with 2 very young kids. I could not afford full-time childcare and can only go back to work when my younger child starts school. I am not "destitute" - that being the only criteria that qualifies for a waiver - but £700 is really beyond my current means. Please help, I will be most grateful for any advice.

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Re: Extending Leave to Leave

Post by quantum1 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:52 pm

You can apply for ilr based on 10 years
The author of this post is not an immigration expert. Any statements made are commentary personal opinions and should not be construed as advice.
