by Humbleking2015 » Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:30 pm
Dear All
7 years ago, one got arrested on suspicion of a robbery and was released on bail with no charge imposed. On two occasions the bail end date was altered by the police and thereafter urged the individual that it is not necessary to return to the police station for further enquiries. Thereafter personal belongings that were confiscated from the indivual was also released.
The individual further continued to apply for visa extensions after the incident on various categories which were approved and in all of the applications nothing was mentioned on either the application form or by means of a cover letter with regards to the arrest. The only concern that the individual had was whilst using PEO services one had to wait for an extended amount of time for the biometric confirmation to come through.
The individual shall be applying for an ILR on the basis of Long Residence. Will the aforementioned issue have an impact on attaining the ILR status if a PEO was used as opposed to a straightforward application?
Is a cover letter stating the aforementioned absolutely necessary?
Your assistance in this matter is highly appreciated....