If I were you, I would put this question to UKVI contact line/mail.
The guidance say "The Knowledge of Language and Life in the UK requirement is changing in November 2015. From that date you will only be able to use an English language qualification at B1 level or above if it is on the
list of acceptable Home Office qualifications. This can be found at: ... uage-tests. From November other English language qualifications will no longer be accepted for this purpose."
The site that is last updated on 12 Nov 2015 still has Degree Taught as one Option of English language criteria..
The way I interpret this is other English language test qualifications etc is not going to be valid as B1 is only criteria they would need instead.
However, Having a Degree taught and researched in English or being a National of English-Speaking Country should still qualify for Language Qualifications as in the past. (if these 2 are explicitly taken off, I'm sure there will be plenty of people who came in to UK from Dec 2010 and feel gutted of having to spend another £150 as a day light robbery?)