marita25 wrote:
By your own admission you entered uk illegally using an agent. You decided to stay and work for 2 year. Your lack of respect for the immigration rules undermines the credibility of your application and damages your own credibility.?
You stated in interview that you wife visit nigeria in sep 2007 for your marriage but there is no evidence in her passport to confirm this.since your marriage you spent only 1 week with your wife. At the interview you state that you have been married to your sponsor since 2005 you soon changes your mind and said Sep 2007.your lack of consistency coupled with the lack of evidence in her passport for the claimed visit in sep 2007 and no regular contact casts doubt on whether your relationship is subsisting. I am not satisfied you meet the requirements of para 281(iii).
And the human rights In reaching my decision i have taken into account human rights act,i remind myself that this is a qualified right. I am also aware of the fact there is nothing in English law which prohibits the sponsor from travelling to nigeria and enjoying family life in nigeria
Dear Marita25,
isn't there no stamp in your passport as an evidence that you went over there??
can you not ask for the interview notes? was his interview recorded?
I would include the copies of your air line tickets etc. you've nothing to loose by too many evidence.
Include a lettersign by both of you pointing out the followings....
1. Applogise for the previous illegal entry and say wouldn't do that ever again
2. Why you and the child do NOT (or cannot) want to settle in Nigeria with him. are you nigerian your self??may be political situation is bad there or not safe enough for foreign nationals to settle there , you have a child together who was born and used to the life in uk and won't be easy for the child to settle back there...may be mention few problems, if any, the child had while he/she was on holiday there, you've close family and friends here whereas no one in nigeria, are you working? is yourchild goes to school/nursary? mention those and say your lifeis really here.
3. The reasons for you and your child to stay over therewith him now. your work commitments or child's school. etc. difficult to travel over there often with a child.
4. reason why you only stayed for a short periodafter the wedding.
5. if he really gave 2 different year your wedding....the reasons why he said that . obviously a mistake. nervous??had a bad day that day. misunderstood/language barrier??
6. Emphasize that he already made uk as his home and so settled here before he left. may be you are in a process to buying a property or setting up a businessa but on hold bcoz he is away. he has a job offer that he needs to be here as soons as..
I would address the letter to ECO manager.
are you doing it your self or have a legal representative?
how long usually take for them to make a decision? know anyone had the same experience?
Good luck.