by strontiumdog74 » Thu Jun 30, 2016 6:49 pm
Ok I have managed to find the correct Life Skills test with the British Council here in Abu Dhabi.
If I am correct my partner needs to pass at A1 for initial application and B1 for her FLR 30 months after entry to UK.
My understanding is that, counter intuitively, a test at B1 level is higher than a test at A1?
Would it be better for her to sit the test at B1 now and then be able to use that test certificate as proof of B1 when she comes to apply for FLR at the next stage? This is obviously assuming that the rules do not change in the meantime? The tests are the same price here so from that point of view if she did the B1 and something changed in the interim period we wouldn't have lost anything.
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Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience