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Re-Entry Visa Sticker Errors

Forum to discuss all things Blarney | Ireland immigration

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Re-Entry Visa Sticker Errors

Post by Malik10991 » Mon Jul 31, 2017 11:32 pm

Hi there Folks,
Hope ye all are good well, me and my mother both have a temporary stamp 4 and I have recently applied for re-entry visas for both of us. The visa process is fairly straight forward however, what shocked me the most was the amount of errors on the visa sticker :shock:
I mean anyone could type like that and stick it in the passport tell you all what our country's prime minister was just sent home by the supreme court for submitting fake documents and how they found out they were fake because the stamps were incorrectly spelled :lol: , you expect a bit of care from an official department :roll: . It could mean a matter of life and death for someone on an international border for God sake.
Well, my mother's visa had her DOB written wrong on it while mine has got no DOJ stamp.
I sent my mother's passport back for rectification they rectified it by cancelling the first visa by stamping it ' CANCELLED WITHOUT PREJUDICE'. and subsequently put a new sticker right opposite the old one upon careful observation i have found out that the bottom part of the visa sticker still bares the same old date of birth. ie If the DOB was 1/1/2017 it was typed as 01/01/2014 they rectified it in the new sticker on the top where it says DOB but the bottom of sticker still bares 010117 on both of them The question is;
1) Would the cancelled visa cause any problems with immigration on the airport or in general?
2)shall i re send this passport again for the code thing at bottom to be rectified?
3)is this fairly common for them to make clerical errors in such critical documents?
4)This small missing DOJ stamp does it really matters? shall I send mine too for rectification or shall i just leave it ?
Thanks for all the help and please rest assured it will be hugely appreciated :)

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Re: Re-Entry Visa Sticker Errors

Post by Mal111 » Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:56 am

the fact that you have a temporary visa kinda makes the difference because for what ever category of visa you have applied under I believe it is still in process and not decided yet and that limit your rights at the boarder so id say you send them bk and ask for rectification also ask them to issue you a letter stating both corrections were errors

to answer your 4 points
1) it wouldn't matter because it say cancel without prejudice this wording is specially use for that purpose
2)yes re send them and don't travel on a visa with incorrect info
3) well incidents do happen your just a little unfortunate in your case it happened twice.
4) well in order to know if the stamp matter send it for correction if it matter they will correct it if not they will advise you in writing both will help you.


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Re: Re-Entry Visa Sticker Errors

Post by Malik10991 » Tue Aug 01, 2017 9:17 am

many thanks Mal111 for your help and a very detailed reply :)

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Re: Re-Entry Visa Sticker Errors

Post by UKBALoveStory » Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:21 pm

I am not an immigration adviser...All IMHO.

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Re: Re-Entry Visa Sticker Errors

Post by harmain » Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:02 pm

HI Malik,

I have read your other posts your and mine case is similar I would be really glad if you can provide me the timeline of your application and what docs they requested before the correspondence and after correspondence. thanks

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Re: Re-Entry Visa Sticker Errors

Post by Malik10991 » Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:32 pm

Thanks a Million UKBALoveStory well explained, i have mailed em the passport for the third time now fingers crossed they would not ruin this one lol btw you have a very cool user name. :D

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Re: Re-Entry Visa Sticker Errors

Post by Malik10991 » Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:58 pm

harmain wrote:HI Malik,

I have read your other posts your and mine case is similar I would be really glad if you can provide me the timeline of your application and what docs they requested before the correspondence and after correspondence. thanks
Dear Harmain,
Very well spoted, our cases are pretty much similar apart from the fact that, you are in a much better position than myself. I have read your posts and shall be addressing your points one by one so it is as follows:
1) People sitting at INIS are notorious for making mistakes as you can see from my posts so unfortunately, you can not sue them, I shall rather say must not try to sue them. you just have to stay calm and focused on what you are doing.
2) I submitted all the usual paperwork Passport coloured copies myself and my father, PRTB, BILLS and our Business's details and all, they asked further bills and any other evidence for a couple of times I submitted more fresh bills and some letters of correspondence from my UK college and as many letters i could find under my name to prove that, I really was living with my beloved father,.
3) Yes you are right that, you should have been treated as a EU1 applicant rather than being treated as an EU1A unfortunately you cannot do anything but to write them an email however, i would also ask you to be a little polite with them and not to write too many as it kind of p's em off a bit lol :lol: .... So "CONTROL UDHAY CONTROL".

I did received a temporary leave to stay and my decision is due a little earlier than yours in September, I have spoken to someone and they said it could be later than that, so the due date for decision is not set in stone I'm afraid. On the contrary to this i have also spoken to a friend of mine his Mrs and two children have recently received their 5 years stamp it took them 2 and a half weeks so it is rather a matter of luck.
At this point I shall rather ask you to stay patient and relaxed it will be all sorted.
I hope this answers most of your questions should you however, would like to know anything else please do not hesitate to ask and I shall try to be as helpful as possible.
The one thing I would like to ask you os how did you justified that, you are a dependent of your father? What documents did you submitted to satisfy this clause? I'm unsure how this could be done as EU legislation is very vague about these technical issues they ratger leave it for the applicants to figure it out.
Hope to hear back from you soon. :)

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Re: Re-Entry Visa Sticker Errors

Post by harmain » Wed Aug 16, 2017 1:38 pm

Hi Malik,

Thank you for your detailed response :), I have submitted all the docs just like yours Bank account transfers from my father my university fees, We have been living together for more than 6 years in same house and other bills and letters on my name in which my father supported me.

So Yeah on docs I have pretty much provided all the evidences.

I did write to them 2 emails and 1 letter in past 6 months they responded to the first email in which they concluded that my application was treated wrongly.

Now when they sent me the letter the decision is due on 23 september this year, and I don't have any temporary stamp with me.

Shall I write them a letter for temporary stamp? and HOW LONG will it take them roughly to take a decision on my application after 23 sept, Trust me I am really really exhausted because they wasted so much of my time. :(

Thank you Malik Waiting for your response.

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Re: Re-Entry Visa Sticker Errors

Post by Malik10991 » Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:29 pm

Hi Harmain,
As I said earlier, it ia totally a matter of luck they could reach a decision in a day or they could take longer so unfortunately, I can not say for certain as to how long would they take to reach a decision.
You seem to be on the right track, and believe you me you have only wasted a few months there are people like me who have wasted years so please be patient and pray that, the decision comes in your favour.
I'm not too sure on whether to advise you to write them in regards to the temporary leave or not? Do you not have a legal advisor? My suggestion to you would be to consult a reputable solicitor firm to advise you on this matter. Mind you that, you would need someone who is really good at what they do as there are many people around who would just read stuff off the Internet and advise you accordingly so, kindly do your research before you go to someone for advice.
But again I would say to you just please be a little patient "Zayda Jazbaati Nai Hua Krte" LoL
In the mean time you could do a few other things ie get your self a driving licence if you do not have one already and open a bank account etc... As i don't really know if you have these or not.
I'm right here if you need to know anything else.
Keep us posted if there is any news.

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Re: Re-Entry Visa Sticker Errors

Post by Malik10991 » Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:36 pm

harmain wrote:Hi Malik,
Trust me I am really really exhausted because they wasted so much of my time. :(

Thank you Malik Waiting for your response.

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Re: Re-Entry Visa Sticker Errors

Post by harmain » Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:13 pm

Hi Malik,

LOLL You are right I shouldn't over react but trust me waiting game is a painful game, But can't do nothing at this stage now so fingers crossed lets see what happens after a month, And yeah in case if I need any suggestions I will post it to you so please check the forum at-least once or twice a week :) Thank you.

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Re: Re-Entry Visa Sticker Errors

Post by Malik10991 » Sat Aug 19, 2017 12:45 am

Hey Harmain,
Sure I will keep an eye out for you but I was kinda busy job hunting so was unable to regularly visit the forum. Finding a job is awful hard in ireland but since i have found myself one it's a bloody pain in the neck lol.... "Total Dimagh ki Lassi i Tell u"
But I wish you all the very best in all your future endeavours and I will pray for your success and I assume that, you will reciprocate the same feelings.
Best Regards,

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Re: Re-Entry Visa Sticker Errors

Post by harmain » Fri Aug 25, 2017 2:27 pm

Hi Malik,

I hope you are doing well, I just wanted to ask that the decision on your application is also in september isn't it?
My decision is on 23 of september I think yours is before mine. Please update me when your decision is taken I will pray for you Inshallah that you get your visa.

Best of Luck.
