I've found a site at
http://www.ind.nl/EN/index.asp which does indeed say that she can get an EEA permit in her passport and come to live with me as a family member.
However, now this side of things is ok, back to the ILR/naturalisation issue :p say if she comes to the UK, and after a short period of time she gets the EEA permit and goes to Netherlands with me.
Now, this is going to cause a problem when appyling for ILR after two years. What will we do then?! (Sorry for panicking two years earlier!), if it seriously hampers her chances of permanent stay in the UK for the future I will probably have to think about turning down this oppurtunity
Wouldnt the worst case scenario be that when we come back to the UK to stay permanently, say after a year.
Then we can wait
another 2 years to apply for ILR? (so three years for ILR and four years for naturalisation in total) and apply then? Surely they cant say no, can they?
Or will her visa that she got in Islamabad only allow her to stay a year or so more in the UK? Im kinda confused about that aspect of this issue!