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OCI Update Necessary?

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OCI Update Necessary?

Post by s0787671 » Mon Jul 27, 2020 2:29 pm


|We are in UK and my daughter, who turned 5 would need her British Passport renewed next year. So my query is whether we need to go thru the pain of reaching VFS and changing the OCI or can she travel as long as we carry both the expired and new passports with us.

I read some whether that the new rules doesnt need OCI to be renewed till you are 50y old.

Please do guide me.

Thanks in Advance

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Re: OCI Update Necessary?

Post by crowbar6 » Tue Jul 28, 2020 9:02 pm

Yes, it's necessary to re-issue an OCI when kids get a new passport. FAQ on HCI London website clearly mentions that -
Re-issuance of OCI is mandatory every time passport is renewed up to the age of 20 years, and once on acquiring a new passport, after completing 50 years of age, in view of frequent biological changes in the facial features in this age group...
A relaxation on such re-issuance had previously been provided till 30 June 2020 which has now been extended till 31 December 2020.

In the UK, VFS has streamlined this OCI new/renewal process and you only need to visit the centre once rather than twice as had been the case previously.

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Re: OCI Update Necessary?

Post by xebec » Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:24 am

Ok, let's clear up the mystery once and for all.

The OCI is a visa. Once issued, this visa is valid for life unless revoked or the holder becomes ineligile (e.g. working for a foreign military).

The OCI photo ID card on the other hand needs to be updated depending on the age of the person.
If under 21, this needs to be renewed every time the passport is renewed. Else the immigration officers will have no way to validate a baby photo for a person who is 18 years old if the card was never updated.

Upon reaching 50 years, the OCI card needs to be renewed again when the passport is renewed.

Between 21-50, there is no need to update the OCI card - however, given Indian bureaucracy, its best to update the OCI card so that you have less issues whilst travelling to India - ie the passport number in the OCI card is up to date. Else, you would have to carry your expired passport travelling to India.
