by Erfaanullahkhan » Sun Apr 25, 2021 11:12 pm
Review decision Negative Outcome:
Royal Academy of Engineering
150 Citations
Research Associate
Research Grant Award (Not Uk)
Ph.D. Fellowship (Not Uk)
Gold Medal as best Researcher award
The Reviewers looked at the strength of the evidence provided. In particular they considered: Whether the applicant is regarded as a leader in their field; their track record/career history (including their international standing, the significance of their publications, prizes and research funding awarded, patents, and the impact of past innovation activity, in a company, academia or as an individual); the strength of the supporting statements in the letter(s) of personal recommendation concerned with research in their field; And the expected benefits of their presence in the UK in terms of the contribution to UK research excellence and to wider society, including potential economic benefits from exploitation of intellectual capital.
The Global Talent visa assessment process is completed in two steps – an initial eligibility check, to ensure that the applicant meets the mandatory and qualifying eligibility criteria (if applying under Exceptional Talent). The application passed this first step and then progressed to a full peer review assessment. Meeting the mandatory and qualifying eligibility criteria does not mean that you will be endorsed. It only means the application can proceed to a full assessment. The full assessment was conducted by experts in their field who considered the strength of the evidence provided. In particular they considered:
Whether the applicant is a world leader in their field; their track record/career history (including their international standing, the significance of their publications, prizes and research funding awarded, patents, and the impact of past innovation activity, in a company, academia or as an individual); the strength of the supporting statements/letters of recommendation; And the expected benefits of their presence in the UK in terms of the contribution to UK research excellence and to wider society, including potential economic benefits from exploitation of intellectual capital.
The conclusion of the full assessment was that the reviewers considered that the applicant’s track record and contributions to the field to date, relative to career stage, were not strong enough to endorse the candidate for entry through the Global Talent route.
We wish the applicant luck with their future endeavours.
Should you wish The Royal Academy of Engineering to consider your case again, you must submit a further application with the relevant fee.
Thank You