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EUSS Family Permit for Non-EU dependent parent

Use this section for any queries concerning the EU Settlement Scheme, for applicants holding pre-settled and settled status.

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EUSS Family Permit for Non-EU dependent parent

Post by empr » Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:37 am

Hi, I would like to get some advice. I am looking to bring my non eu parent using the euss family permit. I have settled status and my eu spouse also has settled status. I understand that my eu spouse needs to be the sponsor and for the application to be as a parent in law. My question is regarding showing dependency since it is after July 2021. I have been sending money to my father every month since 2020 and have pdf receipts to prove this. Would this be acceptable for dependency if the transfers are on my name as the non eu spouse? I do intend to also include the following documents:

From Eu spouse and me (non eu spouse)- copy of passports, bank statements, payslips, employment letters, tenancy agreement, council tax, settled status documents, marriage certificate, cover letter

From me (non eu spouse) specifically- my birth certificate to show my parents name and the pdf receipts of the money transfers from 2020.

From non eu parent - parent’s passport

Some follow up questions:
1. do we need to include the non eu parent’s bank statements?
2. Are the documents above sufficient?

My second main question is for the section in the application that asks my father “does anyone rely on you for financial support? Include those that are travelling with you and those who are not. These could include children under 21, children over 21 who live with you at home or older relatives who need you for accommodation or other support”. I have an 19 year old brother who is living with my parents, does my father need to mention him in this question? Please note that only my father is applying to join us in the UK. My mother will remain with my brother. If we put yes and mention my brother, would this affect the application because he is stating that he is financially dependent on me and my eu spouse but then my brother is dependent on him?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Posts: 236
Joined: Tue Nov 07, 2017 5:26 am

Re: EUSS Family Permit for Non-EU dependent parent

Post by NatCam » Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:54 am

My sister, when applying for EUSS family permit, did mention our mother as her dependent. They live together. She got her permit.
I would include your father's bank statements, it won't hurt after all. But! she stated that she wasn't dependent on her sponsor (her daughter) finacially.
