by tom4 » Tue May 05, 2009 5:58 pm
I suggest that you write to them and set out in tabular format each stamp, what type it is, what page it is on, when it starts, when it expires, the number of days it covers and then add them all up at the end to get 365x8=2920 days, but make sure that you have a few more than that to allow for leap years, etc.
In short, do their job for them.
Of course, you could do as you suggest and wait 3 months and reapply - including a copy of their letter that said that you have 94 months.
By the way, did you perhaps have a gap between stamps that would account for the missing time?
Also, the residency only starts from when you get your stamps at the GNIB (or local Garda Supt's office if not in Dublin), not from when you arrive at the airport.
Hope this helps.