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Beware of Fake recruitment agents

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Post by itsme » Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:52 am

well I too had similar experience before and totally vexed up. They play mind games and try to get more information if you are desperately looking for a job.

1) Ohh you worked you for xyz company, do you know Mr. ABC ? etc etc. => ou think the agent is genuine and trushtworthy and tend to give more information as he asks. You end up no emails/calls further.

2) I need 2 references from your old employers, this is mandatory as part of our screening blah blah. Like a humble guy I passed those details => they called my old/current employers and played double game... Mr.abcd in your department is looking for a job. I can fill his position with a lovely candidate.... he wants commission for placing and replacing me :-( As my manager is good enough, he warned me swiftly and advised to take care of such guyz.

3) You are CV is wonderful and one of my prestigous clients liked it.....I can get you a good hike with .. a,b,c,d benefits. But I need to know to which all companies you applied, agency names,managers you interviewed with etc..... ==> My CV/reputation got corrupted due to this

4) One lady talks sweetly (well as always)... asking too many personal things, r u married, have kids etc..........=> I think that they want to gauge responsibilities we have,,, so that we can spend more/less hours at new work place..

There are toooo many bunch of rogue agents who just fish the CV's. Later on with all the experience I speak / reveal information to guys only who ask 3 things straight away.

1) availability
2) rate
3) suitability with the role.

I might be wrong, but i find large recruitment firms are a bit better than small fishers. I always insists on email and never ever, give reference details before interview.


If you are bound to get a job you will, for sure. Have patience learn tips and tricks. Reciprocate according to agent's behavior. It's a rotten industry.Don't hesitate and dont reveal personal information.
Also try not to reply / apply to posts which asks tooooooooooo many skillsets which is virtually impossible for a single person. There are agents who will copy contents of your CV on to someone's. End of the day you look FAKE to employers.

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Post by andn01 » Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:39 pm


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Post by raghu0307 » Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:41 am

what happened to the list of genuine consultants which was supposed to be posted and made into a sticky??

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how to get job

Post by saima shah » Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:49 am

i want to ask something related to hsmp is approved and now my passport has been submitted for stamp i just want to know that when i,ll come to uk then wht you think is the most important courses or something most important to gety thew job there ...
i ve read ur forum in which u mentioned that how u knew about those fishing agents...
plz let me know that wht wud be the best to gewt the job or wht the hiring companies ask from you in the interview which is the most important to get the job..


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Re: how to get job

Post by nshar1 » Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:46 pm

saima shah wrote:hi,
i want to ask something related to hsmp is approved and now my passport has been submitted for stamp i just want to know that when i,ll come to uk then wht you think is the most important courses or something most important to gety thew job there ...
i ve read ur forum in which u mentioned that how u knew about those fishing agents...
plz let me know that wht wud be the best to gewt the job or wht the hiring companies ask from you in the interview which is the most important to get the job..

The job market is really bad.

You can have good hopes of landing into a job only when you have skills which are rare but still in demand.

There are too many people struggling searching for jobs. You need to bring something unique.


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How to treat these fake recruitment callers !

Post by Dave.HY » Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:46 pm

Its an open fact that such callers have no clients and the sole intention is to extract information from the prospective employee (that is YOU) about the company that is hiring in recession and the contact person so that their Sales guys can hook up.

The genuine callers will call you up and start out telling you straightaway that they have a client based out of XXX location and who is looking for a
YYY developer for contract or permanent position.

I've been around for 2 weeks on Tier-1. I've 6 yrs of work-ex on .Net.
I've had 2-3 genuine calls among 20 fake calls as well though.

Here's my bit on how to drive the conversation with fake recruitment callers:

Fake Agent: Hi, Can I talk to ...aa.... Mr. XYZ
You: That's right

Fake Agent: Well, I've some good openings that match your profile....
How long have u been looking for job ?
YOU: Just opened up my CV 3 days back

Fake Agent: Aww.. and how do you find the job market ?
YOU: Well, not too good for starters but, I'm getting decent number of
calls for my kind of profile ..I always do

Fake Agent: Ohh...Great!!! and do you have any interviews lined up yet ?
YOU: Yeah not many, just 4-5 over the next week and the next

Fake Agent: Ohh... and I was wondering which all comapnies are
they...I'm asking so just to ensure that I don't post your CV
again to the same employer
YOU : Well, I need to leave for some important work in next 2-3 minutes.... do one thing..., send me the client details you have and the Job Reference #...on my mail id...and I will check out and let you know accordingly if there's a conflict or not

YOU: Thanks for calling up. Cheers Bye

That'd server them well

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Dun wanna waste ur time responding to fake calls - do this!!

Post by Dave.HY » Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:56 pm

The moment you hear a recruiter call you up and ask you -

"How do you find the job market and if you have any interviews lined up yet?"

Answer it this way -

Your voice may be recorded for quality and performance reasons.

- Tuck.... and he will hang up right afterwards. Well that will save you time you can invest in learning Silverlight or NHibernate.

.... in the next post I'll explain how to make these fake callers call you back over and over again.



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tactics of fake agents

Post by Jk2007 » Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:37 pm

Here are some other questions asked by fake agents / time wasters:

(1) Are you actively looking for jobs? How long have you been looking? (this is just to update their database with the list of active resumes)
(2) When is your current contract expiring? (this is to find if they can get any lead from your current organisation)

Some agents are so bad that they don't end the call even if you try to. Most of these fake agents / time wasters almost always call from an undisclosed number.

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Post by rohitktm » Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:03 am

this is true. They ask if you have been interviewed for last 6 weeks and list the name of 3 companies.
I didn't know this was fake...but with some common sense and internal intuition, I informed "due to confidentiality propose not able to provide name of the companies and the application is still in process".
I just realize that I did right thing. :)

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Need Help

Post by girlinLondon » Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:47 pm

Hi All,

I have been working with an Indian software company in UK for the last 1.5 years [ been in India for 2.5 months in between when they offshored me]. I came back in August and started looking for jobs while working for the same Indian comapany in UK. I got a call from an agent last week and they have an opening for TalkTalk and asked me if I would be ready for an interview.

It is a contract job for 4 months on a salary a little more than what I get in the UK now. He infact has scheduled an interview for me on Thursday.

Want to know the following:

1. Is it good time to shift from permanent job with an Indian software company to a contract job in the UK?
2. In the course of the interview can I ask, if they have any openings for a permanent job.

Please help me. I have never attended an interview in the UK so far.

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Post by tomkin » Tue Sep 15, 2009 3:47 pm

First of all, are you eligible to work. I mean you cannot if you are on Work Permit (issued by this Indian co.)

You will not be able to contract unless you get a Tier-1 or WP with an umbrella co. if the loophole is still open.

If they offer you permanent role then you can ask them to re-apply for your WP.

As far as interviewing in UK goes, the more you practise the better it is.

Hope this helps

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Post by girlinLondon » Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:51 pm

nileshratan wrote:First of all, are you eligible to work. I mean you cannot if you are on Work Permit (issued by this Indian co.)

You will not be able to contract unless you get a Tier-1 or WP with an umbrella co. if the loophole is still open.

If they offer you permanent role then you can ask them to re-apply for your WP.

As far as interviewing in UK goes, the more you practise the better it is.

Hope this helps
Yes I hold a Tier1 visa. Sorry to mention that in the post.

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Post by tomkin » Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:53 pm

Go for the interview. You have nothing to lose :)

Ask them if they can make it permanent.

What kind of work does it involve. I ask this as I have seen contractors working for non-stop 8 years in contract in some companies.

Your contract may get extended.

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Post by girlinLondon » Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:54 pm

nileshratan wrote:Go for the interview. You have nothing to lose :)

Ask them if they can make it permanent.

What kind of work does it involve. I ask this as I have seen contractors working for non-stop 8 years in contract in some companies.

Your contract may get extended.
Thank you for the response.

The role is for a UAT analyst. I am a Test Analyst.

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Post by krazydude » Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:01 am

A small example of how recruitment companies send mails to get you to reveal names of firms currently recruiting

I have taken out names/particulars for privacy issues.

Dear xxxxx

I hope you are well. I have realised that it’s a while since we have caught up and so I just wanted to touch base and see if you are still looking for a new opportunity. As the market seems to be picking up slightly (those green shoots we keep hearing about!) we are seeing a rise in the amount of --- roles arising across a number of sectors in the --- .

So, basically, I just wanted to establish if you are still looking for a new position and how the job search is going. Would you agree that it seems to be picking up slightly? How is your search going – what companies have you already spoken with in your search? It also seems to be the case still that all the agencies are working on the same roles at the moment and so the team and I are spending a large amount of time calling candidates about roles that you’ve already heard about/interviewed at. As this is considerably time consuming for both you and I, I just need you to jot down details of interviews that you have previously had. I am meeting with a number of clients on Thursday and Friday and I will be back in on Monday of next week. I should however still be able to reply via email.

I hope all is well and look forward to hearing from you.


This mail was sent to me three weeks in a row (same content); post which I told them that you have my CV on file and if you have any confirmed job openings, then and only then, contact me and since then that they stopped mailing me.

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Post by ashishashah » Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:17 am

This is clease case of "phishing" Recruitment agents think that you are stupid...

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Bad Behavior

Post by republique » Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:20 pm

Just had a really bad experience with a recruitment agency, they specialize in recruiting IT professionals in the Insurance industry.
Recruiter submitted my CV. Client shortlisted me with 2 other candidates and requested interview. Recruiter called me to arrange interview time. I sometimes work outside of the UK so I requested a date one week later because the airfare would be significantly cheaper. Recruiter claimed the client must interview 1 day shy of the 1 week as they would decide from that interview to employ someone and wanted someone to start the next week. One interviewee went in day before me. I email recruiter for some feedback from that interviewee's experience. Recruiter now informs me that there is another round of interviews if it is successful. I express dissatisfaction that somehow one round has become two rounds. Recruiter tells me to not to bother going to the interviewer if I am unhappy. I tell recruiter, it is too late to suggest I don't go as I already changed my schedule around, bought tickets so I will proceed. I email back that I'd appreciate that the recruiter not make comments like don't go when I have changed my schedule and paid lots of money, that it only upsets me further and since the recruiter doesn't seem to have any consideration for my concerns that it is better that the recruiter not call me as it will only wind me up before the interview. Recruiter calls me anyway the morning of interviewer to tell me again to not to attend. I remind recruiter that I flew back into the country and have already committed myself so it makes no sense to cancel so I will attend. Recruiter begins some speech about how she doesn't like my attitude and its not good for the interview. I tell recruiter that she put me in a foul mood with lack of consideration and insensitivity and if the agency would like to reimburse me for my costs that is the only basis of me not attending the interview. Of course agency refuses reimbursement so I again confirm my attendance to the interview and the desire to be left alone as the conversation is not improving my mood. Recruiter continues to brag about his 20 years of experience and ability. I tell recruiter it is impossible to have an immediate start with 2 rounds of interview and that recruiter either lied when I was told the interview had to be done by a certain date due to immediate start or the recruiter failed to do due diligence in understanding the complete process but at the end of day there was no concern for the candidate. And as such, either the recruiter should hold his hand up and apologize or at least stop insisting that I not attend the interview because I have expressed distaste from being surprised by the change of story. In any case, the phone conversation turned into a nasty argument on the phone but recruiters can be very slimy.

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Re: Bad Behavior

Post by ChetanOjha » Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:29 pm

Was is Pathway resourcing? Had unpleasant experience with Pathway in past when they called refrees to push their candidates.
republique wrote:Just had a really bad experience with a recruitment agency, they specialize in recruiting IT professionals in the Insurance industry.
Recruiter submitted my CV. Client shortlisted me with 2 other candidates and requested interview. Recruiter called me to arrange interview time. I sometimes work outside of the UK so I requested a date one week later because the airfare would be significantly cheaper. Recruiter claimed the client must interview 1 day shy of the 1 week as they would decide from that interview to employ someone and wanted someone to start the next week. One interviewee went in day before me. I email recruiter for some feedback from that interviewee's experience. Recruiter now informs me that there is another round of interviews if it is successful. I express dissatisfaction that somehow one round has become two rounds. Recruiter tells me to not to bother going to the interviewer if I am unhappy. I tell recruiter, it is too late to suggest I don't go as I already changed my schedule around, bought tickets so I will proceed. I email back that I'd appreciate that the recruiter not make comments like don't go when I have changed my schedule and paid lots of money, that it only upsets me further and since the recruiter doesn't seem to have any consideration for my concerns that it is better that the recruiter not call me as it will only wind me up before the interview. Recruiter calls me anyway the morning of interviewer to tell me again to not to attend. I remind recruiter that I flew back into the country and have already committed myself so it makes no sense to cancel so I will attend. Recruiter begins some speech about how she doesn't like my attitude and its not good for the interview. I tell recruiter that she put me in a foul mood with lack of consideration and insensitivity and if the agency would like to reimburse me for my costs that is the only basis of me not attending the interview. Of course agency refuses reimbursement so I again confirm my attendance to the interview and the desire to be left alone as the conversation is not improving my mood. Recruiter continues to brag about his 20 years of experience and ability. I tell recruiter it is impossible to have an immediate start with 2 rounds of interview and that recruiter either lied when I was told the interview had to be done by a certain date due to immediate start or the recruiter failed to do due diligence in understanding the complete process but at the end of day there was no concern for the candidate. And as such, either the recruiter should hold his hand up and apologize or at least stop insisting that I not attend the interview because I have expressed distaste from being surprised by the change of story. In any case, the phone conversation turned into a nasty argument on the phone but recruiters can be very slimy.

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Re: Bad Behavior

Post by republique » Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:13 pm

chetanojha wrote:Was is Pathway resourcing? Had unpleasant experience with in past when they called refrees to push their candidates.
No but I tend to not specify agencies on the board. If you pm me I will tell you and anyone else who asks.
While that is distasteful, I think screwing with people's money is worse.

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Re: Bad Behavior

Post by ChetanOjha » Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:28 pm

republique wrote:
chetanojha wrote:Was is Pathway resourcing? Had unpleasant experience with in past when they called refrees to push their candidates.
No but I tend to not specify agencies on the board. If you pm me I will tell you and anyone else who asks.
While that is distasteful, I think screwing with people's money is worse.
I think specifying rouge traders in the forum will alert other people. Other people may get hit by these people too.

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Re: Bad Behavior

Post by republique » Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:45 pm

chetanojha wrote:
republique wrote:
chetanojha wrote:Was is Pathway resourcing? Had unpleasant experience with in past when they called refrees to push their candidates.
No but I tend to not specify agencies on the board. If you pm me I will tell you and anyone else who asks.
While that is distasteful, I think screwing with people's money is worse.
I think specifying rouge traders in the forum will alert other people. Other people may get hit by these people too.
Yes but the problem is false allegations. And the board need not be troubled by bad experiences and legal issues which is why it should be taken offline and as I said before I am happy to share the name via PM.

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Post by nm » Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:01 pm

There should be a lot of care needs to be taken while applying i feel..

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Thanks for sharing the bad employer experience

Post by ptrjakson » Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:20 pm

Thanks for sharing the bad employer experience with forum members .The post will help members to be alert avoid cheating.

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Thanks for the sharing your experience

Post by ptrjakson » Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:57 am

Thanks for the sharing your experience

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Post by wunder » Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:33 pm

I think there is a bit of a misunderstanding in this thread...

It's true that you should never give out information about your interviews or references to agents until the actual need arises (aka job offer). However if the agent tries to get this information - it does not mean that the agent or the agency is fake! I know for a fact that even large agencies have special people to do this information gathering/fishing.

Answer politely that you don't have any other interviews (even if you do), or that you cannot say the name of the company as you promised not to to the other agency, etc. You never know who will bring you the job and it might as well be one of those agents/agencies - I have a personal experience of getting a great job through one of those.

It sucks, but you have to live with it.
