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Juggling indian visas

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Juggling indian visas

Post by happi.ocholloh » Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:34 pm

Just as I thought i would have it all handled im back again.

The situation is that I will be leaving india after marrying my wife and will be returning to the uk. Ive been travelling so need to restart everything.

I want to get back to the uk give my wife the money for the visa straight away and go about setting everything up for her arrival. House, job etc

The problem is that they visa application would need my salary slips and rental agreement. None of which Ill have on my first few weeks back home.

This would mean that i need to get set up which would take a month and add another month on to our time apart just so i can provide a salary slip and rental agreement.

Thats going to be at least 3 months without my wife at this point, is there any other way?

Also I have seen that some visas have been processed in as little as 15 days. I guess that person knew how to work the system and provided everything. How can I do this, I dread being apart from my wife as she does me but it seems its the only way, if there is another way id love to know.

thanks again

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Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:42 pm

Post by pahini » Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:31 pm

Sorry but it is not clear on which visa status u r at the moment ??

r u in uk or having british citizenship or ILR visa???

please clarify.....

how long have u been in uk?

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Posts: 53
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Post by happi.ocholloh » Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:21 pm

Im Scottish through and through. Getting more concerned as the list now states they want 6 months pay slips and bank statements and utility bills. How can I be living with my wife in India unable to earn and have that history from the uk?
