You can claim the GROSS salary (whole) if they are all part of your salary package, mentioned in the payslip and if everything goes through the taxation..
Go the HO GUIDANCE Page 22 and 23 of 48 Paragraphs 118 - 124 ... idance.pdf
Earnings we will include in the assessment
118. We will include previous earnings from:
salaried employment; or•
self-employed activities.•
119. Where an applicant is claiming earnings for self employment in the UK, additional documentation will be required to demonstrate that they are established as being self employed.
120. An applicant’s overall total earnings can include those from several sources of work, including a combination of salaried employment and self-employed activities.
121. Earnings do not need to have been with a single employer.
122. Earnings can be considered from full-time, part-time, temporary and short-term work.
123. Earnings may include, among other things:
salaries (includes full-time, part-time, and • bonuses);
earnings from self-employment;•
earnings from business activities;•
statutory maternity pay and contractual • maternity pay;
allowances (such as accommodation, • schooling or car allowances) that form part of an applicant’s remuneration package;
dividends paid by a company in which • the applicant is active in the day-to-day management, or where the applicant receives the dividend as part or all of his/her remuneration package;
income from property rental, where this • forms part of the applicant’s business; and
payment in lieu of notice (a payment made • instead of requiring an employee to work the normal period of notice when leaving a job).
124. Unearned sources of income that we will not consider as previous earnings include:
expenses (such as accommodation, • schooling or car allowances) that reimburse the applicant for money he/she has previously spent;
dividends, unless paid by a company in • which the applicant is active in the day-to-day management, or unless the applicant receives the dividend as part or all of his/her remuneration package;
income from property rental, unless this • forms part of the applicant’s business;
interest on savings and investments;•
funds that were inherited;•
money paid to the applicant as a pension;•
expenses where the payment reimburses • the applicant for money he/she has previously spent;
redundancy payment;•
sponsorship for periods of study;•
state benefits; or•
prize money or competition winnings, other • than where they are directly related to the applicant’s main profession or occupation.