londonman88 wrote:Guys, what is the procedure for changing the council for your citizenship ceremony, do I have to contact the HO or does the council do that? and how long will it take?
You can easily get answers when you phone your council up to request the why post it here. Anyways here goes...
Firstly you need to inform the council you want to change to that you wish to move your ceremony to their council and find out about available dates. Do well to get a contact name and address to avoid unecessary delay
You need to contact your allocated council to request a change. Your reason cannot be merely to have an earlier date just because you are in a hurry to be a citizen. Find a justifiable reason e.g. moving house.
They will then forward your details to the council you have requested. You can give them the address of your contact at the council you desire at this stage. Provide them also with your details (phone number/email) and ask them to confirm your documents have been sent over when it is done.
At this point note that your invitation letter (received from UKBA) becomes null and void as your allocated council will inform the homeoffice that you have changed the location of your ceremony.
You then have to wait for another invitation letter from UKBA with your new council on it before booking and attending the ceremony there. It is not enough to say i changed councils over the phone. It must be in writing from UKBA.
My advise is to stick with you current allocated council as UKBA are not known for the speediness of their coresspondence. As to how long it will take, you can roll a dice. You may find yourself waiting longer than if you had simply had the patience to attend at your previously allocated council