Hi Rsulakhe,
Even I came across this issue. My successful initial Tier 1 Application is on 25/Nov/2010. The due data for extension application is Oct 2012.
Since I have applied for my initial T1 visa application after 19 July 2010, I too have the same confusion of the Part 6A rule and the PBS Mismatch.
I wrote a mail to
Dear Sir/Madam,
Tier 1 (General) Visa application rules were modified and the eligible points were raised from 95 to 100 for applicants applying on or after 19 July 2010.
However the PointsBased Calculator does not capture or evaluate the above scenario for Tier 1(General) visa EXTENSION, as mentioned in the page http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/worki ... igibility/
Note: Please see attaached the screen shot of the page with points highlighted in Red Box with markings as POINT 1 & POINT 2.
"The PointsBased Calculator evaluates and confirms that an applicant who scores 95 (75+20) is eligible for Tier1 (General) visa extension even if he has made his initial application on or after 19 July 2010".
1. During application for Tier 1 (general) visa extension should the applicant prove 100 points for extention if he/she has made the initial application on
or after 19 July 2010.
2. Is the Points based calculator reliable and if so then can the above rule be discarded.
This is a matter of concern because I (and many would) have to make a Tier 1 (General) visa extension application on Oct 2012 and since I have made my initial application after 19 July 2010 (on Aug 2010), the UKBA website data/information is misleading and confusing.
If the information is not in sinc in all the pages and tools of the website, then it would lead to a disaster for all applicants and many would raise complaints and grievance.
Your support in answering the queries would be much appreciated.
I receive reply from them ..........
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your enquiry.
Please be advised to extend your Tier 1 (General) visa your total points score must be at least 95 points if you currently have permission to stay in the UK.
If you are in any other eligible category, your total points score must be at least 100 points (unless you are covered by the HSMP Forum judicial review judgment).
Kindly be advised the Points Based calculator is a reliable source to check your points for the relevant application.
Yours faithfully,
Immigration Group
UK Border Agency
They have partially copied from the website and posted it. I have queried them once again to look at my query.
However I am glad that you are also serious about this issue and that I have someone in company.
I work for ITC UK Milton Keynes and currently the Permanent employee job pays me less and in order to achieve the eligibility for extension, I am working towards setting up a sole trading company.
If you have any such intentions and plans for Sole trading or Limited company, then we should discuss it in more detail and that would help both of us a lot.