carlyann wrote:It comes under Partner (probationary period) under table 1. So overall grant rate of 79%. Not very helpful as it doesn't break it down between spouse and fiance!
The break down in numbers for the top 10 countries doesn't include Albania as you say and also doesn't include fiance visas either
Rules should be applied the same at each embassy, I've seen some awful reasons for refusal on the India thread for example. Embassies that have a high number of appeals overturned should be investigated and people retrained. There was an investigation into New York a few years back for that very reason I believe. Although as its quicker to reapply again the figures for appeal and overturn wouldn't reflect the true picture I am guessing.
I hope you hear soon so you can move forward - even as you say it is with the appeal, feeling like time is standing still is the worst. I can sympathise with the worry and spending ages still looking on the web, reading anything even though the application is in and there is nothing that can be done!
I don't think there is a worse feeling in the world, when you know you have met the one after years and years...then there is the possibility you may not ever be able to be together. So your husband is from Columbia and you are waiting to hear if he got the Spouse visa right?
Yes, I was trying to see what the total figure was was Fiancée and Spouse visas granted in 2010 but couldn't see a figure, unless I am missing it?