by Obie » Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:16 pm
Well the same thing will happen if you move to Denamark or Netherlands. I am sure your friends their, will be pretty sturned that you can bring in your wife and other relatives and they have to go through a long and difficult process.
The Treaty on the functioning of the European Union is not applicable to an EU citizen in their home country , unless in very exceptional circumstance. There situation is considered as "Purely Internal" which essentially mean the EU has no jurisdiction.
This form of reverse discrimination can only be remedied if you were to move to another memberstate and engage in economic activity, on your return, you will be able to be accompanied by your wife in the same way as your french friends.
I wish you all the best. I understand it is quite disheartening, but the UK government has an unrealistic target of reducing net migration to the tens of thousands. This means drastic anti- family and economically suicidal measures will have to be implemented to hit it, and even then, it will still be impossible to reach.
Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors