I intend to apply for my dependants from Pakistan and have fue questions and would be thankful to anyone who have exact answers to these: Thanks everyone that have read my questions even if have no answers:
I am on Tier 1 General and got my 3 year extension right now:
I intend to apply for my wife and two kids (a son and a daughter) dependant visa from Pakistan through following link
1- Do I need to make three seperate applications for wife, son and
daughter each?
2- In a question regarding main applicant passport they ask:
Place of Issue(In details they wrote CITY and country Name)
So I got my passport from Pakistan embassy in London so answer in
this case would be LONDON, UK ?
As in the next question they have asked Issuing authority, wihc will be
3- In "Main applicant employement details section" a question is: When
the job is expected to finish? If you dont give any answer you cant go
to next page and you cant write any text, so I dont have realy answer
to this because I dont have a contract end date? while u need to have
a date here then you can go to next page