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1 month salary slip missing but meeting criteria in 11 month

Archived UK Tier 1 (General) points system forum. This route no longer exists.

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1 month salary slip missing but meeting criteria in 11 month

Post by GaryK » Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:22 pm

Dear All

Wishes to everyone in the forum. I have a rather peculiar situation and wondering if anyone can help me or has had similar case:

I work for a major IT company as a permanent employee and my gross salary (before tax) is £52000. For my Tier 1 extension (my current T1 Gen WP expires on May 16) I am getting the points comfortably. The situation is that I have better job offer but its important for me to join in May. So I must resign by end of this month so that I can complete my 1 month notice and join in my new role by May. If I resign by this month, I may not get my April salary, I think the HR then gives a consolidated sum with all the deductions etc done after the notice is served.

The problem is that my appointment is already scheduled in mid of April at UKBA (making in person application). Also, I have misplaced my salary slip for April 2012. Which means I have salary slips for May 2012-March 2013 which makes it for 11 months. I still can show salary more than £40,000 (around £43K by my calculations) for these 11 months.

So my question is should - I wait 1 more month and delay my joining in new job so that I have full 12 months to show or can I go ahead and show the salary slip for last 11 months (as the April 2012 is missing) as I am still meeting the earnings criteria?

I would be grateful if anyone can reply my question.


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Post by tereliye01 » Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:37 pm

Hi Gary,

You should be fine with 11 months of salary. I had my extension at Croydon PEO in January and I also submitted 11 months pay slips as I had left my job couple of months before applying and started consulting via limited company.

Kind Regards,
