till date NO CASE LAW ON 245D (C)(II) , HO is using 245dc11 against buying commercial property is illegal and wrong as told by number of solicitors because this is not previous business is only premises and definition of business is some thing else .moreover 99% things in this world has previous owner .
regarding rule and purpose of the route is change in april 2015 what about the persons who came in 2012 and spent according to that purpose .
beside above HC 1025 7.35 Changes of statement regarding purpose brief about already establish business will not effect new rule .
Kindly quote the exact immigration rule 2014 which prevent investment in business premises or commercial property please so we all can read and what is the legal value and quote rule about MAC report and when they issue visa where is that MAC report written in visa papers . MAC report is only advisory report for extra money expense nothing else.Rules cleared up in 2014 to prevent investment in property. and about MAC Report
Selling 50k commercial property in north of UK is not possible it will take 1000 years to sell or make loss. profit may be in London to some extant but that would be expensive.Investing in property is not acceptable by Ho given that Tier 1E was set up for individuals to invest their cash to run and grow a business not to purchase an asset under their company name and sell it off after they got their extensions with a profit. This is seen basically as the abuse of the route and HO is rejecting individuals who claimed to have invested in assets.
For investor it is not acceptable but for tier 1 ENT Please see paragraph 140, For HO every things are acceptable if not in good mood they do not accept legal documents its power , normal people make mistakes and its discretion of HO if they want to accept or not even other genuine investment . Commercial property or business premises for own business is necessary in the long run and buying that is a very risky and brave action in UK because after buying you are committed for a long term and start paying real money to UK departments and to U.K economy in real. Regarding Profit, suppose someone sells his property which is a lesser chance in UK as not many people are interested in buying commercial property, after finishing your business purpose then if you made some profit that is also great for UK economy, as you will be paying all taxes including VAT ,etc. plus capital gain tax, which no other entrepreneur pays and all this is in fact good for U.K economy. Negativity always be there or one can also assume or presume according to mind set but others are spending hard earn money in real buying.