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Schengen visa with 02 entries

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Schengen visa with 02 entries

Post by ango_26 » Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:32 am

Hi All,

This may not be best forum to ask this question but I couldn't think of better place, so pls bear with me,

I want to clarify one thing. I have schengen visa with 02 entries valid for 16 days visit in total.

I have already done one trip for 5 days. Now I am planning to visit more schengen states in a single trip without returning to UK in between. Of-course I will only visit the two states for a max of 16-5=11 days.

Is that a problem? My question is - Does the number of entries mean the number of states one can visit or number of trips one can make form home country??? I obviously think it's the first option.

Please help clear my doubt.

Many thanks in advance.

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Re: Schengen visa with 02 entries

Post by cs95tdg » Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:46 am

ango_26 wrote:My question is - Does the number of entries mean the number of states one can visit or number of trips one can make form home country???.
Actually, it's neither. The number of entries refers to the number of times you can enter the Schengen area (which consists of 26 countries). So therefore, so long as you do not leave an re-enter the Schengen area during that trip, you should be fine. If you exit the Schengen area to any other non-Schengen country and re-enter, that would constitute another entry.
