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Baby entering thre UK without visa (born in UK, MN1 WIP)

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Baby entering thre UK without visa (born in UK, MN1 WIP)

Post by ndogan » Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:05 pm

Hi everyone
I got my ILR in September 2015, my baby was born in April 2015. I skipped ILR process for him and applied for british registration directly under MN1(3). Unfortunately we still have not got a decision back from home office and I really want to take my baby out to Turkey to visit other family members. He is almost 8 months old and I am very depressed by this situation.
Anyway, i thought I could apply for ILR now (yes would pay an extra £1900!) and I called home office today and they said I could not even apply for a visa whilst there is passport application under his name. So i have to wait for months now. I wish there was a fast track option for mn1, but there is not;(
The guy on the phone was very nice and he gave me board number to confirm if they would allow my baby to enter UK without british passport and ILR, given
A) he was born in the UK
B) his mn1 registration is in progress
Unfortunately they did not answer my phone after waiting for 40 min and I gave up:(
So, my question is, has anyone done this? I mean bringing back the baby without a visa and just showing birth cert and registration in progress? And is there anything else to do? I am extremely worried to be held here and cannot help thinking worst case scenarios, what if there is a real situation to travel and I am stuck here! Not to mention we have to spend xmas and new years eve all alone;((
Appreciate all advice!
Many thanks

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Re: Baby entering thre UK without visa (born in UK, MN1 WIP)

Post by CR001 » Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:17 pm

Baby needs a visa to enter the UK. He is not British yet. Unlikely any airline will allow him to board to come back if does not have a passport with permission to enter the UK.

What date you apply for MN1?
Char (CR001 not Casa)
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Re: Baby entering thre UK without visa (born in UK, MN1 WIP)

Post by ndogan » Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:38 pm

We applied on 7th Oct via NCS Southwark. Received acknowledgment letters and submitted biometrics, so we are just waiting now.. It is so sad, most of our friends received their answers in about 4-5 weeks and it looks like it will take longer for me. If it really takes 6 months, that means I will have spent all of my maternity leave here and baby will not have met any of extended family. I was really hoping this would take shorter, very disappointed. If i knew about this, i would have definitely got an ILR for him too. Sorry for long note, needed to get this off my chest.

I know, i would not have imagined them letting us enter without visa, but this guy said sometimes they allow babies if i can prove birth certificate and that his MN1 application is in progress. i will ring the number again tomorrow. It is a long shot though, i am aware.

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Re: Baby entering thre UK without visa (born in UK, MN1 WIP)

Post by vinny » Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:11 am

CR001 wrote:Unlikely any airline will allow him to board to come back if does not have a passport with permission to enter the UK.
Agree. The airlines will probably be your main obstacle, due to the threats of fines imposed on them for carrying passengers without proper clearances.
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Re: Baby entering thre UK without visa (born in UK, MN1 WIP)

Post by karg_g » Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:18 pm

If you have already given the biometrics I think you can travel to your home country with your baby on his/her non EU passport. You can ask someone to send the registration doc once it arrives in post. You can then apply CoE for the baby from your home country. Just beware of the timelines.

I might be wrong please some guru's give opinion.

I really feel for you. Stuck neither with ILR nor British passport. My best wishes and hope it gets sorted quickly.
I try to give honest answers, however I might be wrong, kindly always check with your solicitor/accountant for final confirmation
