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Previous Earnings for ILR

Only for queries regarding Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). Please use the EU Settlement Scheme forum for queries about settled status under Appendix EU

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Previous Earnings for ILR

Post by ango_26 » Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:41 am

Hi Fourm members,

I have an ILR PBS appointment coming up in few weeks and I have a question about previous earnings in the period for assessment.

I have been full time employed during the period of assessment and I am planning to use my salary for previous earnings which is enough to get the desired points. However, I was doing contracting in the past and my Private Company was still open during the period of assessment. There were no earnings made in the company during the period of assessment. But I closed the company during the period of assessment and took some dividend.

My doubt/question: Is it necessary for me to show any dividend taken from my Private Company on top of my salaried earnings? I feel that it will make things complicated.

I will really appreciate if anyone similar stories and experiences can share some light about this?

