The following is on behalf of my friend who is also applying for Tier 2.
Unfortunately, our restricted cos was rejected with the following reason:
I don’t understand the above. As any find a job advert clearly states ‘posting date’ and the ‘closing date’ – when HO rejected saying no screenshot dates provided - do they mean ‘posting date’? because this is always there in any find a job advert.You have provided evidence of conducting a resident labour market test. However, no screen shot dates were stated on either Find a Job or reeds. Additionally, the screen shots provided were unable to be displayed in a readable font size.
We are therefore not satisfied that the evidence provided demonstrates that the resident labour market test has been conducted in line with Paragraph 28.19 of the Tier 2 & 5 Guidance for Sponsors and Appendix D Part 2(d) and 2(e) of the Sponsor Guidance
Also, can anybody shed some light what exactly HO means with readable font size because the company HR provided clear screenshots.
Is it worth applying for another restricted cos with the same resident labour market test as our 6 months deadline from the 1st advert is ending soon too.
I would appreciate any assistance.