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HELP- Studying abroad- can I still get a citizenship?

A section for posts relating to applications for Naturalisation or Registration as a British Citizen. Naturalisation

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HELP- Studying abroad- can I still get a citizenship?

Post by kamilll » Sun Feb 02, 2020 10:01 am


I am EU Polish National who has Idefinite Leave in the United Kingdom and made England their family home. I lived here all my life. Since October, I am a medical student studying in an EU country with an intention of going back to the UK. I regularly visit my family who still live in the UK. I sent off a British citizenship application, completed all necessary tests and met the requirements. However, I am wondering... will they refuse me my citizenship as I study abroad..? even though, my principal home is in the UK. and lived there continuously for over 10 years.

I hope someone will shade some light on this.

Many thanks,


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Re: HELP- Studying abroad- can I still get a citizenship?

Post by secret.simon » Sun Feb 02, 2020 3:05 pm

How old are you?

If your citizenship application was submitted before your 18th birthday; what is the UK immigration status of both your parents?

If the application was submitted on or after your 18th birthday; how many days were you absent from the UK in the past five years and in the past year at the time of your application?
I am not a lawyer or immigration advisor. My statements/comments do not constitute legal advice. E&OE. Please do not PM me for advice.

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Re: HELP- Studying abroad- can I still get a citizenship?

Post by kamilll » Mon Feb 03, 2020 4:33 pm

I am 18 year old. My application was submitted when I was 18.

My parents are both EU citizens.

I was absent for around 2 months, in the year prior to submitting my application.
In the past 5 years, prior to submitting my application. I was away for 3.5-4 months.

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Re: HELP- Studying abroad- can I still get a citizenship?

Post by Rbgotpwr » Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:37 am

Unfortunately the 5 year rule still apply. you cannot be out more than 90 days a year in the five years before you make the appointment plus you need to be in the UK five years before your application on that specific day. They are strict about the rules

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Re: HELP- Studying abroad- can I still get a citizenship?

Post by kamilll » Sat Mar 21, 2020 12:09 am

I haven't exceeded the 90 days 5 years prior to my application date. I am a fresh medical student and I haven't travelled a lot before starting. My application date was BEFORE my starting university.

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Re: HELP- Studying abroad- can I still get a citizenship?

Post by hermanthegerman » Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:47 am

You are in a slight grey area but should be fine as I guess you could argue that you are still "living" in the UK, just spending time abroad temporarily studying.

I would recommend that you DO NOT interact with the home office or passport office from abroad. I assume all letters will go to your parents and they will open these and let you know about anything that comes up.

Once you get invited to a ceremony you will need to book one and attend within three months. Don't try to get this done abroad. You can apply for a passport at any point after. Do this when you are planning to stay in the UK anyway for at least 2 weeks. If you have a polish national ID card you can probably apply any time as you can still travel with that.
