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First Time IRP card not received in mail

Forum to discuss all things Blarney | Ireland immigration

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First Time IRP card not received in mail

Post by bsang90 » Thu Nov 11, 2021 10:53 am

Hi everyone - I've done some searching through the posts but haven't found our exact scenario.
My husband had his registration appointment on October 18th in Dublin - everything was approved, he got his passport stamped and we were told we'd receive his IRP card within 10 business days.
Spoiler alert, we haven't yet. Other folks I've spoken to received theirs within 5-10 days max, so we're pretty sure the address was entered incorrectly or it was otherwise lost.

Two questions:
1. Any suggestions aside from emailing? We've done that, no reply yet, and I know people on here wait months for an answer.... Should we try to make another appointment? It was such a pain the first time and I hate to take a spot from someone who needs to register. We tried to call but the woman we got on the phone insisted we had the wrong office and INIS isn't accessible via phone.

2. If we go to the US for Christmas and then come back (his 90 days will be up at that point) - can we explain the situation, show the stamp and his work permit, and be allowed back in? Obviously this is the worst case scenario, but we very much want to see our families.

Thanks in advance!

- thin ice -
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Re: First Time IRP card not received in mail

Post by Vorona » Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:48 pm

I suggest to wait. The card will eventually arrive. As long as your husband was registered as legal resident, he will be allowed to enter if you have a proof of registration, such as appointment confirmation and work permit. Border control officers have access to all information about your husband to verify, just tell the truth.
