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Regularisation Scheme Form Problems

Forum to discuss all things Blarney | Ireland immigration

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Regularisation Scheme Form Problems

Post by berrythorn » Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:20 am

Hi, I'm currently in the process of filling out my regularisation scheme application and it is nearly complete.
But there's one question I cannot decide on how to answer because it contradicts itself. It's:

Since the applicant's arrival, Have they ever left the state
  • yes

If the applicant has ever left the state since they first became undocumented, you must answer yes to this question.

In my situation, I arrived as a tourist in 2011 and had then after the birth of our daughter I received stamps on my passport, etc. and was documented from 2011 until mid-2016. During this time, 2011 - mid-2016, I went on a few holidays, but after 2016 when I became undocumented (due to not renewing my stamp 4) I have not left Ireland for any reason.
Since I have not left the state since becoming undocumented do I answer "Yes" or "No" , If you just read the start of the question you may think "Yes", but when you read the second half of the question (below the yes and no options), I would answer "No"

I'm a bit confused and worried that either answer could cause my application to be refused.
Wrote to the e-mail for this scheme and got a vague copy/paste answer that said I should select "Yes".
Wrote to MRCI who said I should select "No"
Maybe anxiety is making me over-thinking things, but I'm stuck. Anyone you has a similar situation to mine, how did you answer the question?

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Re: Regularisation Scheme Form Problems

Post by Obie » Wed May 04, 2022 4:14 pm

The answer should be in the negative, since you have not left the state since being undocumented.
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