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Study Visa Ireland - bond & evidence of fees paid

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Study Visa Ireland - bond & evidence of fees paid

Post by StellaMaris » Fri Jun 16, 2023 11:21 pm

My sister-in-law is from Pakistan and got accepted for a Master's Degree in Dublin (duration 1 year).
The family is now preparing the visa application and I hope you can help me with some issues we are not clear about.

1. Regarding the Financial Requirements it says on the webpage of the Department of Justice, an education bond is an alternative evidence of finances to bank statements.
My sister-in-law who has the mandatory 10,000 EUR in her bank account, is prepared to buy the 10,000 EUR bond as it seems more hassle free than providing the bank statement with explanation, proofs etc.
Understandable as it gives the state the security that the money is available upon arrival in the state.

However, having talked to 2-3 different consultants in Pakistan, they insist that bank statements including all explanations (where the money comes from etc.) should be provided additionally to the bond.
One consultant mentioned one of his visa applications got rejected because the bank statement was not provided even though there was a bond.

It does state on the Department of Justice website, “However, you should be aware that you may also be asked to provide additional evidence of finances if that is considered necessary.”

Can anyone give their experience on this please?
Was the bond sufficient or should the bank statement be provided as well?

(However if she buys the bond the bank statement will show ZERO?)

2. Regarding “Evidence of fee payment to college” the webpage states “You must provide a copy of an Electronic Transfer of Funds (ETF) to the Irish Bank of the college. This must show details of the beneficiary’s name, address, bank details and the same details for sender”

It does not state anywhere that she needs to prove a) who paid the fees (although it does say details of the sender) and to provide further details nor b) where the money comes from.
Her father wants to pay the fees, and she wanted to add the receipt of payment and college letter to the visa application.

However, also on this point consultants advised that evidence where this money comes from, bank statements from the father, proof of funds etc. needs to be provided.

I do not really understand why as I do not find anything on the webpage. Furthermore, why is it of interest to the State who paid and how, as the payment is to a private college and has nothing to do with the State? She does have the 10k EUR for cost of living plus full payment of college fees.
It reads to me as if the confirmation of payment is sufficient for the visa application and no further details need to be provided.

Anyone has any experience/feedback on this?
If her father pays the fee for her must he provide his bank statements, proof of income? I assume this makes him an official sponsor then?

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Re: Study Visa Ireland - bond & evidence of fees paid

Post by littlerr » Sat Jun 17, 2023 8:55 pm

1. Bond has been in place for many years. It is a very popular way of proving financial situations. You will not be rejected if you provide bond without bank statement, however, as stated, they will likely ask for more proofs of finance if there is any doubt, which does happen a lot (the amount of bond is outdated now and does not really reflect the typical amount of money required to live here for a whole year).

2. Proof of payment is crucial. You could be borrowing money from a loan company or from a different person, which would artificially increase the amount of money that you claim you have. Therefore it is always required to show that the money belongs to you (or your family, and you have full and unconditional entitlement of using it without having to pay it back after your visa application).
