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Holding a Chinese and British passport in China

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Holding a Chinese and British passport in China

Post by Mattw1223 » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:56 pm

My daughter has both a Chinese and British passport having received the British passport recently and had the Chinese passport for a while.

I've heard about people in situations where children have a British (for example) passport and a Chinese HuKou being granted a travel permit. However, having reached out to the local government agencies here in China, they've advised that my daughter would not be granted one as she has a Chinese passport and therefore any travel abroad will be granted based on her chinese nationality.

I wanted to know if anyone has experienced a situation similar to this and what is the best way to travel to the UK? The UK won't issue her a visa as she is, in their mind, British. China will not issue her a permit to leave and are of the opinion that should she want to visit the UK, she should apply for a visa.

Some people have suggested going via a third country and entering on a British passport. Does anyone have any experiences doing this or could recommend routes?

Any advice would be hugely appreciated.

Thank you in advance

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Re: Holding a Chinese and British passport in China

Post by meself2 » Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:47 am

China does treat their citizens as only Chinese nationals (I am not sure about dual citizenship and if it's even allowed); UK is treating British citizens as Brits.

As a EU/third country national, I should be able to use my EU passport to show airlines as something giving me rights to travel into EU/3rd country passport on passport control when I leave.

Not familiar with specific Chinese requirements, though - maybe @littler can help?
littlerr wrote:
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Re: Holding a Chinese and British passport in China

Post by littlerr » Fri Jul 07, 2023 4:34 pm

China does not recognise dual nationality, however, children under the age of 18 may be able to avail of conflict of nationality, which means if a child has a Chinese parent who is not a permanent resident in a different country, and can acquire a second citizenship by another mean (e.g. the other parent is of a different citizenship, or if the child was born abroad and can acquire a second nationality due to place of birth), the child will have two citizenships at the same time.

The child can get a foreign passport and a Chinese travel document at the same time, and they can use both to travel in and outside of China, until they are 18 years old by which time they will have to renounce one of the citizenships.

How did your child obtain the Chinese passport, and the British one, and which one came first?
