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Tier-1 extension Successful PEO @ Croydon on 15-Mar-2012

Archived UK Tier 1 (General) points system forum. This route no longer exists.

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Tier-1 extension Successful PEO @ Croydon on 15-Mar-2012

Post by anjalimaj » Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:34 am


I was under Tier-1 General which expires on 15-July-2012 but I wanted to go for early extension for many reasons (Thanks to this forum and its members for their valuable inputs).
So, with loads of struggle and many many sleepless nights and restless days, I booked an appointment for 15-Mar-2012 for main and 2 dependants.

1. My appointment was at 11.15am but we went to the Croydon centre at 9.20am. We were asked to wait outside and come 30 mins before the appointment.
2. So, we waited and went to the security at 10.45am. It was very crowded and we were asked to wait in a lobby and asked to go for the security checks (like in airports) after 10 mins. Then after the security checks, where we were asked to remove our jackets, belts,...
3. we stood in a Queue to head to counters where we were asked to provide with only application forms and passports. Since I had bundled up the application forms with the supporting docs, he asked us to take the docs separately and asked only for application forms. So, you may want to separate them before you go to this counter to avoid confusion.
4. After that we were given token number in that counter and were asked to goto first floor.
5. In 1st floor, we were directed to a Queue to pay the money for the applications. I had already informed the bank the previous day and again called them on the day of PEO appointment just to be sure that the payment goes through (to avoid unnecessary tension if your bank blocks your payment).
6. Then we were asked to wait in the 2nd floor waiting room for our token number to be called out for biometrics. We waited for nearly an hour for our number, then went for biometrics, where the lady explained about the use of data,... to us. Then took fingertips and facial image, then back to waiting room for our number to be called out for the case worker.
7. After waiting for another 30-45 mins, our number was called out and we went to the counter. Then we were asked to submit the applications and the passports. Then she asked for supporting documents. I gave separately for main and each of the dependants. She said, since it is Tier-1 general, it might take longer than expected and that she had 3 more cases to look at. So she said it may take an hour or more and asked us to go for lunch. We got some snacks from the 2nd floor shop itself and we sat there in the waiting room.

We could see that she was very carefully looking at each and every line of my payslip, my bank statements, employer letters,... and main applicant form. She then looked at dependants form and supporting document. That was the longest 1 and half hours in my life. She then called us and said that she is happy with the application and had verified everything and granted us Leave to Remain until 15-Mar-2015.

We were asked to wait for to check the info that will be printed on our BRP cards. So we verified all that and our originals, then signed the forms for BRP cards. We were told that we will receive the BRP cards in 7 days. We thanked GOD and we got out at 3.25pm.

Hope this helps!

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Post by canon123 » Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:40 am

Congrats, but wouldnt you be short of 3 months for ILR??? Is this your 2nd extension??

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Post by anjalimaj » Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:42 am

Thanks, I was already on WP for more than 1 year before I switched to Tier-1, so I am ok.

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Re: Tier-1 extension Successful PEO @ Croydon on 15-Mar-2012

Post by N2012 » Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:41 pm

anjalimaj wrote: We were asked to wait for to check the info that will be printed on our BRP cards. So we verified all that and our originals, then signed the forms for BRP cards.
Hi anjalimaj,
Congrats on your approval.
I was wondering about the last bit - I was at Croydon too this week, and my extension was approved. However I was not asked to sign anything or verify the information for the BRP. The officer did ask me to confirm that my details on the approval letter were correct, and if I remember right she did say that she was asking because these details will appear on the BRP. But she did not ask me to sign anything and just said I will receive my BRP within 7 working days. It hasn't arrived yet (though this in itself is not worrying as it's only been three days).

I think I saw someone else here mentioning that they didn't see the BRP details at the PEO. So is this something they just do with some of the applicants? Or did they forget it in my case? :roll:

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Post by anjalimaj » Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:55 pm

well, im not sure... she gave us 3 forms - one for each applicant and said that these details are the ones that will appear in BRP and she asked us to sign them... in the box.. for the little one, we dint sign (she said not needed)... in the same form was written (Restricted work, cant work as Dr/Dentist,...)

We signed and returned it to her. May be it was just a formality...

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Post by ckdeepak » Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:19 pm

I was asked to verify my details and sign a form after I gave my biometric information. It was before I submitted my application and documents for processing.

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Post by N2012 » Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:18 pm

ckdeepak wrote:I was asked to verify my details and sign a form after I gave my biometric information. It was before I submitted my application and documents for processing.
Yes, I had that too. In fact the only time I was asked to sign something was during the biometric part, and like you said it was before submitting my application.

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Post by longshift » Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:33 pm

Congrats mate.....

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Post by holla007 » Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:43 pm

Hi Mate,
can i just ask i want to apply for dependant visa for my wife too, but she doesnt meet up with the maintenance fund, but i have more than enough to cover for both of us on my own account, can i just use my own account for both of us since she has no more on her account or is it compulsory that she should have her own £533 on her personal account.


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Post by mr.mzm » Sat Mar 17, 2012 12:03 am

congrats anjalimaj

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Post by mr.mzm » Sat Mar 17, 2012 12:05 am

Holla, it should be fine to present only your account.

You can read the guidance document for the dependant. It is also mentioned on the dependant form that you can use main account for the maintenance.

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Post by dumdeedum » Sat Mar 17, 2012 12:24 am

@anjalimaj congratulations on your extension. I was wondering if you could provide some info on how you secured your application online? For the life of me I can't seem to find a date. Quite annoying.

I'll probably be flagged down my mods for posting twice. But I'm upset with the website and also the fact that now I'll have to shell out another £500 more!

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Post by anjalimaj » Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:35 pm

hey thanks,

@ dumdeedum: You may have to try every night at 00:00 hrs, so login around 11.50 pm and keep refreshing (plz use F5 as this is faster) the page. Also, it will be helpful if you can copy and keep all the details (Full name and DOBs of main and dependants) in a notepad so you dont have to waste time in typing them. I missed few appointments by typing the names.

As you know, you will be asked the first name, last name and the DOBs for main and dependants.

Also try around 1.30 pm and also between 6-7am, 9am and if you call them for appointment, try calling after 10am and keep trying online all day long. Sad it is a very tedious process and I got very tired trying for an appointments (Dark circles around my eyes now ) :?

But keep trying, you may get it. I am no expert but I guess they release dates that are 42 days away. And they release dates mid night.

If you are worried about the price increase in April, it is still proposed isnt it... not yet confirmed as far as i know... so goo luck to u...
